What is it like working with an Interior Designer

Jun 22, 2023

We all love seeing a great home design come together. Even if you’re not a professional designer, seeing such a dramatic transformation can be inspiring. Whether watching home design on TV, browsing dream kitchens on Pinterest, or viewing before and after reels on Instagram, we begin looking around our own home, dreaming of the possibilities.

But what does it actually take to create such amazing designs? Reality television edits out a lot of what happens behind the scenes and can create unrealistic expectations. What does the design process look like? What is it really like working with an Interior Designer?

To give you a better idea of what to expect, we’ll cover our own process and what goes into an interior design transformation.

Initial Meeting

We believe great design should complement and enrich your lifestyle; a tailor-fit experience. That’s why we take time right at the start to get to know you! Around discussions about scope, inspiration, and budgets, we want to learn more about your unique personality, lifestyle, and vision while addressing any of your concerns going into the project.


After gathering all our initial research, our designers start creating a unique design plan for your project. Details like the scope of work, estimated costs, defined budgets, and set timelines are reviewed and decided. These guides and limitations help set clear expectations throughout the project and inspire creativity as we find solutions that fit your vision and parameters. Once the plan aligns with your goals and you approve the agreement, we can then get to work!

Schematic Design

This is one of the most exciting parts of the whole design process, but without direction, it can quickly become overwhelming. Guided by your unique style and tastes, our designers gather inspiration to refine your vision and source materials to provide you with a sampling of options to choose from. Then, working together with your build team, we review the primary elements of your home and outline a clear design direction. The goal is to find an option that meets the project criteria and allows you to confidently say, “This feels like me!”

Design Development

With a clear direction, our team will begin implementing your design into every space, working room by room to develop the many details that will bring your home to life. We’ll meet with you to share ideas, samples, concepts, and drawings when needed. We will always listen to your feedback as we go through multiple iterations of your design until each part is in harmony.

Revisions & Approval

Even with a design plan selected, changes may still be needed along the way. Every project has twists and turns, but our designers work to keep the process as smooth as possible. We will continue to refine your plan as needed, presenting thoughtful reselections for your approval so that the integrity of your vision is maintained. Whether it’s a new discovery on Pinterest, a discontinued item from a vendor, or an unexpected delay, your designer will help navigate these changes to keep the project moving.

Construction Documents

When working with other contractors, builders, and architects, it’s important that everyone be on the same page. Miscommunications can cause costly mistakes and delays. To avoid this, your designer will draft construction documents to help communicate the details of your design across the team so that everything comes together as planned. From electrical placements, lighting design, tile drawings, ceiling plans, finish schedules, and much more, these documents guide each step of the building process.

Purchasing & Procurement

With the build progressing, it’s time to begin ordering items and preparing for the installation. As approvals are received, designers work closely with vendors to coordinate the accurate and timely ordering, storage, and delivery of items they’ve sourced. This process often means hundreds of items and thousands of details to track, but don’t worry; our team knows how to manage these details to make sure the final installation runs smoothly.

Installation & Completion

Once the building process is completed, it’s time for the install! Your designer will first arrange and schedule the installation of larger items, such as furniture and rugs, then move on to final details like art, drapery, and accessories. With these finishing touches in place, it’s time to relax and enjoy your new home!

While it may seem like a lot to take in all at once, the experience of cultivating a home can be a true joy. Let our talented team of designers share their passion as they guide you through the process. Have a project you’ve been thinking about, or simply have more questions about the design process? Talk with one of our designers today! We’d love to get to know you more.

Ready to get started?

Let us help you cultivate your ideal home!